You’ve probably stumbled upon hundreds of blogs and articles outlining the mistakes and faux pas made by misguided job hunters. Inappropriate attire. Poorly written resumes. Botched interview questions. One false move, and a candidate’s best opportunity is lost. But what … Continue Reading
Today’s savvy job hunters deserve a lot of credit. Most of them – especially the smartest and most talented – know how to network to find opportunities. They understand the value of cultural “fit” – and they value it as … Continue Reading
There was a time when ex-employees — those who left their job for greener pastures or were victims of downsizing — would NEVER be considered for rehire. Recruiters and hiring managers immediately disqualified “alumni,” assuming that: (1) they were traitors, … Continue Reading
Thanksgiving—it’s a day for us to stop and reflect. And it’s a holiday that reminds us not to lose sight of what’s truly important…to think about the previous year’s experiences and accomplishments, and to remember those who helped us meet … Continue Reading
Ready to laugh? Here’s an excerpt from an hysterical parody about fictitious CEO, Bruce Richardson, who “fired” his VP of Human Resources for sending a company-wide email containing too many buzzwords: “To: All Staff Subject: Proposed changes to corporate policy … Continue Reading
First, the bad news: flu season is here and may cost businesses $10.4 billion in direct costs*, according to CDC. It spreads quickly in the workplace and just ONE key employee infected with the flu could cost thousands of dollars … Continue Reading
There was a time when a college graduate flew under the radar until landing a job. With any luck, the company he* joined was solid and so was his career. He became a “company man” and his personal and professional … Continue Reading
It’s funny how often I find inspiration for this blog by watching my son play high school soccer. This past weekend, he scored BIG during a game, using his header shot. This was significant achievement for him. And it also … Continue Reading
Do you have a favorite quote or saying? Words that inspire you or make you think or feel differently? I have quite a few. And when my company moved into larger offices last fall, I knew I wanted to incorporate … Continue Reading
I recently chatted with a colleague, Jason, an HR director at a mid-sized pharma company. He shared his latest employee horror story: An office hoarder. A valued employee, the hoarder has been there for many years and has quite a … Continue Reading