Have a Happy, No “BS” Day

Last Monday, my staff and I met to discuss the “Bull Shit” and how to get rid of it at work. We dug deep to uncover all that stuff that clouds our days and keeps us from being ultra productive and happy at work.

I highly recommend this exercise to any manager or group leader. It’s simple…

First, get your team together and instruct everyone to take out a piece of paper and write down a description of the ultimate, No BS Day. What are the elements that define this extra special day for each and every employee?

  • Fewer meetings?
  • Less hand-holding?
  • More team interaction?
  • Better communication with other departments?

Then, ask your group to get in touch with their emotions. How does the promise of a No BULLSHIT Day affect them personally and professionally? How would it make them feel? Ask them to discuss this openly.

This is a great exercise because it forces participants to focus on what they love most about work and also hones in on their motivators. It also helps to clarify the areas that drag us down, sap our energy and get us off track.

In our office, recruiters lamented the heavy administrative burden. Marketing had concerns over the frequency of revisions. I had frustrations about the very un-CEO activities that keep me from the high value work that needs to be done. After we aired out these issues, we talked about our goals; the important things we want to accomplish, day to day. And we came up with solutions that promise us more Happy, No BullShit Days!

On a personal level, I discovered that a No “BS” Day is within reach. With a stricter delegation process and a determined use of the word “No!” I can get closer to a work life that is fuller and more productive. In fact, after Monday’s meeting I made a concerted effort to follow through on these guidelines and I experienced an amazing week at work. I helped more people get interviews, had time to speak personally to all of my employees and even squeezed in a few lunches with former clients.

If you’re unemployed, this is a vital exercise. It can help you reconnect with your passion, narrow your search and define the perfect “fit.”

How would you describe your perfect, No BS Day? Do you think it is attainable? Why or why not? I’d love to hear from you on this…

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