Coffee: 5 Reasons Your Company Should Be Pouring Some Resources into the Break Room

The other day I overheard a conversation between two guys who were talking shop.

Guy #1: So how’s it going over at XYZ Wealth Management?

Guy #2: Things are starting to look up!

Guy #1: Really, how so?

Guy #2: Well, 2 years after removing the coffee machine from our floor, management has finally decided to re-install one! Everyone is so thrilled.

Guy #1 seemed amused and a little bit shocked at Guy #2’s comment. But Guy #2 went on to explain that five very important things were lost when that coffee machine was taken away.

1) Loss of camaraderie: “When the machine was removed, there was no central location where colleagues could meet to discuss issues in a relaxed setting. People became more isolated during the day.”

2) Loss of stimulation: “The caffeine DEFINETTLY helped to jumpstart the staff during certain lulls throughout the day. No doubt, having it close at hand did have a positive effect on productivity.”

3) Lost time: “Although cigarette breaks were on the decline, the number of coffee breaks seemed to increase. And they sometimes required a jacket or an umbrella, since the closest coffee shop is a block away.”

4) Loss of respect: “As we dug into our wallets to pay upwards of $2 for a cup of coffee at the local coffee shop, the animosity and hostility we felt for our employer–for making us shoulder an unexpected, out-of-pocket expense–made us respect our company even less.”

5) Lost sense of pride: “When outside colleagues, clients or sales reps visited the office, it was humiliating to admit to them that we were unable to offer up a cup of coffee.”

Wake up, employers! Take a look at this scenario and see for yourself. If you want your workforce brimming with engagement, productivity and company pride, start pouring some resources into your break room. After all, coffee is much more than just a perk …

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