Monthly Archives: June 2016



The Mistake

I considered every angle. Reviewed the mailing list. Labored over each word. Worked with my staff to ensure there were no typos. Had the links double-checked. Thought long and hard about the timing and the design. Then ruminated over it, for … Continue Reading



The Three S’s: Which Networker Are You?

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” As a career coach, staffing strategist, recruiting executive and all-around observer of life, I have seen this adage played out time and time again. Well-connected, communicative personalities seem to land great … Continue Reading



Stepping Off Life’s Treadmill: 4 Stops Along The Journey

Working 16 hours a day. Running from soccer match to soccer match. Rushing for appointments. Doing errands. Managing a workforce. Staying up until 4am playing catch-up. This is my life! As a CEO, career coach and staffing strategist, wife and … Continue Reading



Stop the BS! Live With Purpose.

Every morning, you wake up, dreading the workday ahead. Day after day is filled with anguish and drudgery. At first, you blame your boss or the company. You think, “if I just got a new job at another firm, I … Continue Reading



Blaze Your Own Trail: 5 Strategies to Risk Taking Success

Are you a risk taker? If not, you probably believe that this personal characteristic has a negative connotation. Perhaps you think that risk takers are irresponsible, rash, accident-prone and dangerous. Well, I believe just the opposite – that there’s far … Continue Reading



6 Coaching Session Secrets: How Mothers Make Their Way Back to Work

{{unknown}}After years — sometimes decades — away from the working world, many women are trying to start a C.A.K. (aka Career After Kids.) I find myself coaching and counseling lots of them on their back-to-work worries: “Where do I find … Continue Reading



Communicating with Customers During Acquisition: Three Vital Benefits

Have you ever been surprised to find out that one of your vendors was just acquired? Sometimes you don’t even learn this from your contact, but through a third party, or through the media. This recently happened to me with … Continue Reading



Hiring Without Firing: 3 Strategies for Building a Winning Team

It never ceases to amaze me how many ways sports imitates business. Case in point: The hiring and firing on my beloved NY Red Bulls team. On January 7th, the New York Red Bulls fired their celebrated coach Mike Petke. … Continue Reading



Recruiters: Scary Stories and 11 Secrets to Success

You’ve probably stumbled upon hundreds of blogs and articles outlining the mistakes and faux pas  made by misguided job hunters. Inappropriate attire. Poorly written resumes. Botched interview questions. One false move, and a candidate’s best opportunity is lost. But what … Continue Reading



Hiring Managers, YOU’RE Being Googled!

Today’s savvy job hunters deserve a lot of credit. Most of them – especially the smartest and most talented – know how to network to find opportunities. They understand the value of cultural “fit” – and they value it as … Continue Reading